.50 caliber Smith Carbine SN 10447. Iron mountings with case colors present. Walnut stock. Iron-mounted bar with sling ring. On the left side of the breech, "Smith's Patent / June 23 1857" and "Address / Poultney & Trimble / Baltimore U.S.A." Barrel 21 5/8 in. Overall 39 1/4 in.
The Smith Carbine was patented by Gilbert Smith of Buttermilk Falls, New York, whose agents were Thomas Poultney and D.B. Trimble, Baltimore. Nearly all of these carbines were purchased by the Government, with few sold commercially. Among the notable units that carried Smith Carbines are the 3rd West Virginia; 7th & 11th Illinois, 1st Connecticut, 7th & 17th Pennsylvania, 6th & 9th Ohio, and 1st Massachusetts.
Note: This lot cannot be packaged and shipped in-house. Successful bidders winning items marked as being packaged and shipped by a third-party service are responsible for paying the third party directly. We are happy to offer complimentary drop-off service to local third-party packing/shipping companies in Columbus, Ohio.
[Civil War, Union, Confederate, Firearm, Carbine, Colt, Pistol, Revolver, Rifle, Musket, Smith and Wesson, Springfield]
Excellent condition. Case colors present.
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