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Day 2: Civil War & Militaria

Sat, Apr 26, 2025 09:00AM EDT
  2025-04-26 09:00:00 2025-04-26 09:00:00 America/New_York Fleischer's Auctions Fleischer's Auctions : Day 2: Civil War & Militaria https://bid.fleischersauctions.com/auctions/fleischers-auctions/day-2-civil-war-militaria-18141
Fleischer's Auctions is pleased to present Day 2 of our 2025 Spring Premier Auction featuring early American artifacts and militaria from the Revolutionary War to World War 2, especially fine items from the American Civil War.
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Lot 393

[CIVIL WAR] 82nd US Colored Troops Officer Archive

Estimate: $1,500 - $3,000
Starting Bid

Bid Increments

Price Bid Increment
$0 $10
$100 $25
$300 $50
$1,000 $100
$2,000 $250
$5,000 $500
$10,000 $1,000
$50,000 $5,000

***More photographs are forthcoming***


An excellent Civil War manuscript and photograph archive of Eugene F. Roberts, who served in the 10th New York Zouaves, 7th New York Infantry, and the 82nd United States Colored Infantry Regiment. The archive features rare Key, West Florida photographs and letters that include praise for Black troops Roberts served with, balloon reconnaissance, Lincoln's assassination, and early Florida content. 


Roberts enlisted at the beginning of the war on 30 April 1861 as a Lieutenant in Company H of the 10th New York Infantry, a Zouave unit. He served for about 6 months before being discharged. He re-enlisted as a private into Company G of the 7th New York Infantry (National Guard). 


In a letter dated 21 June 1862, he writes of his enthusiasm: “On Thursday last we were sworn in for three months, from the day I left New York, on the 26th of May, which is only a few days earlier than the 18th of September, and I intend to stay because I could not leave now if I wanted to.” The 7th New York was stationed at Fortress Monroe and later Newport News. They saw action at the Big Bethel and took part in the Seven Days battles. Roberts mustered out on 5 September 1862, shortly before Antietam. 


The official records indicate that Roberts was next enlisted in September 1863 with the 82nd United States Colored Infantry Regiment (USCT). The letters here, however, indicate that he was involved with the regiment as early as June 1863, possibly in an earlier iteration before their official designation. In a letter dated 14 June 1863 from Louisiana, he writes: “My regiment, the 5th, built a battery within pistol shot of the rebel works at night, my company was commanded by Lieut. Roberts (Mill) and a few days after I had curiosity enough to go and see the battery play, and while standing on the rifle pits along side of the battery with Col. Zulavsky (my colonel) watching the effect of our shell which was tearing through houses and trees a couple of rifle balls whizzed along side of us which warned us it was time to come down. I suppose the rebel pickets thought we were two good shots and they fired, but they wasted powder & ball on us that time.”  Ladislas L. Zulavasky served as the Colonel of the 82nd USCT, and his brothers Emil, Sigismund, and Casmir would also serve in the regiment. 


A highlight of the grouping are two CDV portraits housed together in a period frame, one of Eugene and the other of his brother Milton J. Roberts, who also served in the 10th New York. Additionally, there is an ambrotype portrait and a CDV portrait of Julia Boulware, Eugene’s paramour, frequent correspondent, and future wife. The CDV is housed in a small notebook that Eugene evidently kept close at hand while on campaign. 


The archive includes 15 letters sent and received by Eugene. The bulk (12) is correspondence between Eugene and his future wife, Julia Boulware. The other three is to his brothers and a cousin. 


In a letter to Julia dated 21 June 1862, he writes of a remarkable expedition using a balloon for reconnaissance: “On Thursday evening 25…we went up the river in a Balloon capable of holding all of us; and when we landed we found ourselves on the Wye River, Eastern shore of Maryland, about 80 miles from camp, in one of the most delightful parts of the country, in fact it is called the Garden of Maryand. We left the Balloon and took [two] small boats…we surrounded the house of a rank old traitor who had been furnishing men, money, and arms, in aid of the rebel cause…we brought [out] our astonished prisoner, who seemed greatly chagrined at being captured so easy. We marched back to our boats and rowed to the Balloon again, and left our man with a guard…Back to the Balloon we camped again, after taking to our boats, when we started for Fort McHenry…when we placed our charge in jail, to await the result of Judge and Jury; altogether it was splendid trip, and the scenery on the Wye River is beautiful. The Balloon is a fine river steamer by that name, and as we went up the river, we of course we went up in a Balloon...There is one thing I think very queer, for an uncommon name; the 7th Co. have five Eugenes in it, and what i smore strange of the small party of 26 that went out the other night, the whole five Eugenes were comrades.” 


On 3 October 1864, Eugene writes Julia from Florida, where he was stationed with the 82nd USCT at Fort Barrancas. His letter is filled with praise for the Black troops he is serving with: “The expedition has just returned love, that left this post some 18 days ago, and it was a great success, and again the Colored Troops were highly complimented for a daring charge on the rebels at Marriauna Fla. One of my bravest boys was severely wounded in the arm, the Regt. lost several. The 2nd Maine Cavalry made the first charge, and was repulsed with quite a loss of officers + men, and the General put himself at the head of the 3rd Battalion composed of Colored Troops, and carried the town. The generals badly wounded in the head and arm. Our loss was two officers killed & thirty-five privates wounded besides several privates killed. Forty rebels were buried by our forces and many lay wounded when we left the result was 700 Colored people captured from slavery besides One Brig. Genl. One colonel 80 privates and officers, cattle, horses & mules in abundance were captured. There are three white regiments at this port, and the 82nd Colored is his best regiment, so he says.”


Julia responds on 21 October with concern for her beloved: “Willow told us, that you were complimented in general orders for your brave and gallant conduct, it made me feel quite proud of you, although I must say I do dread those horrid expeditions, and am selfish enough to wish that they would keep you in garrison all the time, now I know what you will say to that, but I don’t care.” 


Writing again on 10 May 1865, she laments the assassination of President Lincoln: “you have heard e’re this, the dreadful news, of the assassination of President Lincoln, it is a horrible affair. It has cast a gloom over all, it was only the day before we were all rejoicing over our successes, when early the next morning, this terrible news burst upon us, like a thunderbolt, and now the whole city is draped in mourning, every house, even the most humble habitation are marked with the expressions of their sorrow, and the whole nation mourn their loss. Booth the assassin, I think you and I saw him play “Richard the 3rd” at Winter Garden; a splendid looking man, but what a villain, what a wicked heart he had to do such a deed, but the wages of sin, is death, and he poor wretch has paid the penalty.” 


In his final letter to Julia, probably from the end of 1865 where his regiment was still stationed in Florida, guarding prisoners. He writes from Dry Tortugas in Key West: “I have many curiosities from the Reefs of Florida which are numerous and I intend to bring them home.” Remarkably, the collection includes 19 “seashore flora” dated 1865, and 11 carte de visites of Key West with period ink inscriptions. 


A very fine Civil War collection with important and unusual content. 


A complete list of items: 


Eugene F. Roberts Civil War Letters


1. Julia to Eugene. New York, 30 May 1862. 3 pages, 4to.

2. Eugene to Julia. Fort Federal Hill, Baltimore, 21 June 1862. 4 pages, 4to. 

3. Julia to Eugene. N.p., 25 June 1862. 3 pages, 4to. 

4. Julia to Eugene. New York, 16 August 1862. 4 pages, 8vo.

5. Eugene to Julia. On Board Steamship Matanzas, Lying at Dock U. 44, New Orleans, 21 April 1863. 4 pages, half quarto (paper trimmed)
“I write you love while sailing along the Florida coast…we are not to remain at New Orleans so I understand, but go farther up the river. We were convoyed across the Gulf by Gunboat DeSoto."

6. William to Cousin Eugene. Camp Hamilton, Virginia, 26 March 1863. 3 pages, 8vo.  “The rumor that we are going in the Fort when the 3rd NY goes home, is as strong as ever. There is 3 companies of the “Lost Children” is at the Mill Creek hospitals. They look rather filthy, the old rig is pretty well played out although some of them hang on to it yet.”

7. Eugene to Julia. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 14 June 1863. “Co. A, 5th U.S.V., Wellmann’s Brigade”

8. Eugene to Julia. New Orleans, 2 November 1863. 3 pages, folio. 
“I get ‘Carte de Visites’ very often, and as fast as I get them I will send them on to you…Enclosed you will find several cartes which you place in the new album when you get it. “

9. Milton to [Eugene]. New York, 25 August 1865. AND Alexander to [Eugene]. [New York], 29 August 1864. To verso. Each 1 page to the same leaf, 4to. Alexander writes: “Mil mentioned that you were complimented in General Orders. Bully for the damn Roberts Boys.” 

10. Eugene to Julia. Camp of the 82nd U.S. Cold. Inf. Barrancas, Florida, 3 October 1864. 

11. Eugene to “Brothers Both”. Camp 82nd U.S.C.I., Barrancas, Florida, 12 September 1864. 4 pages, 8vo. 

12. Julia to Eugene. New York, 21 October 1864. 3 pages, 8vo. With original yellow envelope with New York cancel, stamp removed. 

13. Eugene to Julia. Camp [of the] 82nd U.S. Col’d. Inft., Barrancas, [Florida], 1 December 1864. 4 pages, 8vo. Illustrated. 

14. Julia to Eugene. New York, 10 May 1865. 3 pages, 8vo. With original yellow envelope with New York cancel. 

15. Eugene to Julia. Head Quarters Co. A. 82nd U.S.C.I., Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas, Florida, n.d. (Nov/Dec. 1865?). 3 pages, 4to. WITH 11 CDVs of Key West with contemporary ink inscriptions AND 19 “seashore flora” mounted on cards in envelope dated 1865.

Eugene's Photographs


1. Two CDV portraits of soldiers in uniform. Both in trimmed album sleeve. Both Albany: Wm. W. Wood. Presented in period carved frame. Portraits of Eugene F. Roberts and his brother Milton J. Roberts, who both served in the 10th New York Zouaves. 

2. Full-length standing portrait albumen CDV of Julia Boulware. In brass mat & frame, in leatherette frame & notebook. With accounting notes. “Capt. James Wm. Lewis / 207 North Division St. Buffalo.” “Recruits enlisted May 1st 1865”         

3. Sixth plate hand-tinted ambrotype portrait of Julia Boulware, a young fashionable woman. Thermoplastic case. 

Other Roberts Family Documents


1. Nine diplomas from New York Public Schools issued to Eugene Roberts (5), Alexander (1), and Milton (3). October 1832-May 1857.
3 excised leaves from a bible recording births and deaths of the Boulware and Roberts families

2. ALS James Zine? To Captain Eugene A. Roberts. Newport, 14 December 1865. 1 page, folio.

3. ALS Charlotte Wray to [Alexander?] Roberts. 21 February 1867.

4. ALS Charlotte Wray to Alexander Roberts. 

5. ALS Frederick Roberts to son Alexander Roberts. N.d. Complaining of no visit.


Boulware Correspondence & Photographs


The archive also includes some early 19th century correspondence from the Boulware Family. Most in poor condition, except nos. 1 & 3. 


1. Autograph letter signed by Maria Lumpkin to brother. N.p., 5 February 1834. 1 page, 4to. Integral address panel. 
2. ALS by R. Bouleva[illeg]. Richmond, VA, 7 December 1834. POOR condition. 
3. ALS by John Sumpkin to Henry Jefferson Boulevan of New York. New Town, 29 January 1850. 1 page, 4to
4. ALS. (Date missing). To H.J. Boulevan. News of the death of Boulevan’s brother. 
15 July 1864. 
5. ALS Urbana, Ohio, 6 June 1866. 1 page, 8vo. “The design by Mr. Darley in the upper left hand corner is called “the Trophy” and I  think it very beautiful.” 
6. ALS by Althea H. Chamberlain to Alexander F. Roberts. Trinity Rectory, Mornsania? , 2 February 1871. 
7. CDV with tentative IDed as Julia Boulware’s sister

8. 3 tintypes & 1 CDV of Eliza Weeks Boulware, Julia’s mother


[Civil War, Union, Confederate] [Manuscripts, Documents, Letters, Ephemera, Signatures, Autographs] [African Americana, African American History, Black History, Slavery, Enslavement, Abolition, Emancipation] [USCT, United States Colored Troops, Glory, 54th Massachusetts, Buffalo Soldiers, Black Soldiers] [Photography, Early Photography, Historic Photography, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Tintypes, Cased Images, Union Cases, Albumen Photographs, CDVs, Carte de Visites, Cartes de Visite, Carte-de-visite, Cartes-de-visite, CDV, Cabinet Cards, Stereoviews, Stereocards]

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