An excellent Appomattox Court House relic group. Items include:
1. Appomattox apple tree fragment. Approx. 6 1/2 in. With period tag affixed reading: "A piece of the Apple Tree which Gen. Lee surrendered."
2. Autograph letter signed by William A. Stiffey, to his brother. Head Quarters, 24th Army Corps, Appomattox Courth House, Virginia, 14 April 1865. 2 pages, 4to.
An eyewitness account of Lee's surrender written by Private William A. Stiffey of Company I, 206th Pennsylvania Infantry. In part: "Lee surrendered the Army of Virginia to U.S. Grant under an apple tree which since that time ahs been dug up, root & branch, and are kept as relics or trophies of that memorable event Sabbath evening."
3. No. 889. Place where Gen. Lee Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Albumen stereoview. Littleton, New Hampshire: Kilburn Brothers. Title printed to mount recto. Photographer's imprint to mount verso.
[Civil War, Union, Confederate] [Manuscripts, Documents, Letters, Ephemera, Signatures, Autographs] [Relics, Militaria] [Photography, Early Photography, Historic Photography, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Tintypes, Cased Images, Union Cases, Albumen Photographs, CDVs, Carte de Visites, Cartes de Visite, Carte-de-visite, Cartes-de-visite, CDV, Cabinet Cards, Stereoviews, Stereocards]