Silver badge. Chicago, Illinois, 1866. Finely Engraved: "Henry Huff / Boot Black Champion / Presented by the Citizens of Chicago. / 1866."
An award given to a young boy named Henry Huff who was the winner of the 1866 boot blacking competition in Chicago.
He won the competition again, two years later. A newspaper article published in the Daily Missouri Republican of St. Louis reports on his time in the limelight and the surprisingly dangerous world of a bootblack: "Henry Huff, a boy fifteen years of age, but scarcely large enough for one of ten, arrived in this city Saturday night from Chicago. On his bosom he wears a silver medal inscribed with his name and the words 'Champion Bootblack, Chicago, 1868.' There was a grand tournament in that extraordinary city, at which the Mayor presided. Among the boots blacked were his Honor's. There were numerous contestants, and the medal was finally awarded to the boy Huff. Scarcely had the assemblage dispersed when he was pitched upon by three of his rivals and had to fight desperately to preserve his token. Subsequently his enemies multiplied and to preserve the medal he left Chicago. He arrived int he city 'strapped,' as he expresses it, but he immediately procured a badge of the Newsboys' Association and prepared for work. He initiated himself by a small fight on Sunday morning, and thinks as soon as he can get thoroughly into the ring his talents will be appreciated. He is a bright boy and has no earthly fears of starvation."
A unique view into the rough and tumble world of bootblack competitions and the life of a young newsboy.
[Americana, Badges, Medals, Relics, Newspapers, Printing]
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