c. 1861-1865. Ninth place tintype. Housed in a full thermoplastic case.
Rare portrait that captures an African American Union soldier in full uniform, seated and facing the camera with a resolute expression. The subject wears a regulation Union fatigue blouse with a visible belt buckle and breastplate. His headgear is slightly tilted.
[Civil War, Union, Confederate] [African Americana, African American History, Black History, Slavery, Enslavement, Abolition, Emancipation] [USCT, United States Colored Troops, Glory, 54th Massachusetts, Buffalo Soldiers, Black Soldiers] [Photography, Early Photography, Historic Photography, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Tintypes, Cased Images, Union Cases, Albumen Photographs, CDVs, Carte de Visites, Cartes de Visite, Carte-de-visite, Cartes-de-visite, CDV, Cabinet Cards, Stereoviews, Stereocards]
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