Report of Major General P.H. Sheridan, to the Hon. Committee on the Conduct of War. Report of Operations on the Eleventh Division, Army of the Ohio, in the Battle of Perryville. [Washington, D.C.]: [Government Printing Office], [1862].
8vo. Contemporary one-quarter blue morocco with marbled boards, spine gilt-lettered.
A report provided by Philip Sheridan from the pivotal Battle of Perryville. The engagement was one of the bloodiest by percentage and the largest battle fought in Kentucky. Although initially deemed a tactical victory by the Confederates, it was ultimately a strategic win for the Union. After the conflict, Braxton Bragg's troops withdrew to Tennessee, and Kentucky remained in Union control for the remainder of the war.
Philip Sheridan, then a Colonel, commanded two regiments of cavalry on a reconnaissance mission discovering that the Confederates had abandoned their camp at Tupelo. During the battle, he commanded the 11th Brigade of the III Corps under General Charles Champion Gilbert.
[Civil War, Union, Confederate] [Books, Bibles, Soldier's Bibles, Prayer Books, Ephemera, Pamphlets, Publications, Booklets]
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